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Q&A: How remote patient monitoring can save cancer patients' lives

Written by Vivalink | August 21, 2023

In one example, RPM helped detect impending potentially fatal adverse events 18 hours in advance of readmission. A wearable sensors expert discusses the benefits of RPM in cancer care.

Neutropenic fever is a common complication for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. In fact, one out of every 29 chemotherapy-treated patients is hospitalized, with a startling mortality rate of 7-9.5%. Fevers can come on suddenly and sometimes go unnoticed until it’s too late.

Remote patient monitoring devices like wearable temperature sensors offer the potential to reduce hospitalizations and deaths in vulnerable populations like chemo patients. The sensors can detect an abnormal temperature reading and flag it for the patient and oncologist to actively monitor, or in serious cases, go to the hospital for observation.

View the complete article and Q&A here.